Information For Authors

Dear Authors!

The publication of materials in the scientific-theoretical journal "Theory and methodology of physical education" is carried out using the Open Journal System - a system of online submission and review of scientific articles. Registration or authorization is available in the section "Submission of Materials". The journal's website


The editorial board accepts previously unpublished articles on the scientific areas of the journal. The article is submitted in electronic format (in .doc, .docx, .rtf formats) only by uploading it through the functionality of the journal's website (Open Journal System).

  1. File format: Microsoft Word (doc). Sheet size: A4. Margins: upper and lower - 2 cm, left - 3 cm, right - 1 cm. Body type: Times New Roman. Body text size: 12 pt size. It is allowed to use a smaller size (12 pt size) in the text of tables, links, diagrams, graphs, diagrams, and figures. Line spacing: single. Text justification: breadthwise, without word break. Paragraph indents (red line): 1.0 cm.
  2. Figures in the text of the article are located without text circumfluence. Figures should be clear and legible. Captions should not be part of figures or tables. Figures should have an integral format (it is not permissible to compose a figure from separate parts in the form of inserts, figures, inscriptions, etc.). All figures and tables should be numbered. Tables and figures are numbered separately. The text of the article must contain references to tables, figures, graphs. All tables and figures must have a link to the source (if the table or figure is borrowed) or signed "Figure/photo of the author (s)". When using statistical data, tables and figures should indicate - (Compiled by the author (s) based on data ...).
  3. To compose formulas use only standard Microsoft Office tools.
  4. While submitting an article for publication in the journal, it is not allowed:

- pagination;

- use of page breaks in the text;

- use of automatic paging links;

- using automatic hyphenation;

-using sparse or condensed letter spacing;

- text highlighting in bold type within sections of an article.

  1. References to literature are made in square brackets:

In Kazakh language - [1]; [1, p. 78]; [189, p. 42-43].

In Russian language - [1]; [1, p. 78]; [189, p. 42-43].

In English language - [1]; [1, р. 78]; [189, р. 42-43].

  1. The volume of the article – at least 7 pages.
  2. The originality of the article must be at least 60%. If there is a full analysis of the used material and the author's conclusions in the article, the absence of incorrect borrowings, and the absence of large amounts of borrowing from one source, originality in the amount of 40% is allowed for review articles. Before publication in the journal, all articles will be checked for plagiarism. Each article is checked in its entirety, without excluding individual structural elements ("Abstract", "Key words", "Introduction", "Materials and methods", "Results", "Discussion", "Conclusions", "References" etc.).
  3. The article must be drawn up in strict accordance with the following rules: in the upper left corner - IRSTI, through an empty line in the center - the surname and initials of the authors (no more than 5 authors), academic degree, and academic title (without abbreviations), below without space the name of the university or scientific institution, city, and country. Through an empty line in the center in capital letters - the title of the article. Then, through an empty line across the width of the page - an Abstract (from 100 to 200 words) and keywords (5-7 words) and an empty line - the text of the article. At the end of the article through an empty line - "References". Then a transliterated list of references.
  4. The title of the article, full names of authors, abstract, and keywords should be in three languages (Kazakh, Russian, and English). The translation must be of high quality and performed by specialists. On a separate sheet, the full name, patronymic, and surnames of the authors, academic degrees and academic titles (if any), position, organization, telephones, and e-mail are indicated.
  5. An Abstract, volume 100-200 words in Kazakh, Russian, English languages should reflect the content of the article, as far as it will be the main source of information about the study for most readers.
  6. All abbreviations must be deciphered when it is used in the article for the first.
  7. Structure of the article: Introduction (relevance, purpose and objectives of the study); Materials and methods; Results; 

    Discussion; Conclusions; References.

  8. It is necessary to observe in bold the full name of the author* (s), the title of the articles, and the titles of the sections: " Abstract ", "Keywords", "Introduction" (relevance, purpose, and objectives of the study), "Materials and methods",  "Results”, "Discussion", “Conclusions”, “References”.

* The author for correspondence (the first author) should be marked with the Latin letter " a " after the initials of the author, for example, 1Ivanov I.I.a, 2Petrov P.P.

  1. Section "Materials and methods" should contain:

- Research procedure;

- Sample description: the number of participants in the experiment or survey, gender, age, and other characteristics;

- Methods and techniques used in the course of the research with their description;

- Methods of analysis and statistical processing and other methods of ensuring reproducibility.

15. The bibliography should contain, in addition to the fundamental works, publications of the last 5 years, references to articles from highly cited foreign and Kazakh journals included in the bases are welcomed: Web of Science, SCOPUS, and RSCI. Self-citation is permissible in the amount of no more than 30% of sources. It is recommended to indicate the URL (link) and the date of reference for all sources, the texts of which are available on the Internet.

  1. The list of references should be compiled as the sources are mentioned in the text (not alphabetically) and drawn up under 7.1-2003 “Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules of drawing up ". The authors are responsible for the accuracy of the bibliographic data.

The list of references should be compiled as the sources are mentioned in the text (not alphabetically) and displayed at the end of the article. Style of the references list in Kazakh and Russian languages according to AUSS 7.1-2003 “Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and compilation rules” (the requirement for publications included in the committee for quality assurance in education and science list).

The authors are responsible for the accuracy of the bibliographic data.

Links to unpublished dissertations are not allowed.

A correct description of the used sources in the bibliography is a guarantee that the cited publication will be taken into account when evaluating the scientific activities of authors and the organizations that they represent.

If there are works presented in the Cyrillic alphabet in the list of references, it is necessary to submit the list of references in two versions:

  • the first is in the original;
  • the second - in a Romanized alphabet (transliteration -

For example:

Список литературы

1 Федоров А.И., Авсиевич В.Н., Ившин В.Л., Голубков А.В. Поведенческие риски в отношении современных студентов к своему здоровью // Материалы XXI российской научно-практической конференции (с международным участием) Российский человек и власть в контексте радикальных изменений в современном мире: доклады / редкол.: Л.А. Закс и др. – Екатеринбург: Гуманитарный университет, 2019. – С. 929-933.


1 FedorovA.I., AvsievichV.N., IvshinV.L., GolubkovA.V. Povedencheskie riski v otnoshenii sovremennyh studentov k svoemu zdorov'yu // Materialy XXI rossijskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii (s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem) Rossijskij chelovek ivlast' v kontekste radikal'nyhizmenenijv sovremennom mire: doklady / redkol.: L.A. Zaksidr. – Ekaterinburg: Gumanitarnyj universitet, 2019. – S. 929-933.

In English articles, the bibliography is presented only in English, for example:


  • Arcelli, E., Canova R. Trenirovka v marafonskom bege: nauchni podhod [Training in marathon running: a scientific approach]. Moscow, House Terra-Sport Publ., – 2000. – 70 p
  • Kiryanov M. A., Kalinin I.N., Kharitonova L.G. [Rheographic performance athletes cyclic sports].Bulletin of the South Ural state University. Ser. Education, Healthcare Service, Physical Education, 2010, on 24 (200), pp. 125-128(in Russ.).
  • Larsen, H. B. Kenyan dominance in distance running. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular and Integrative Physiology, on. 136(1), pp. 161-170.


17. Information about the authors

On a separate sheet, additional information about each author is indicated: full name in Kazakh, Russian and English, academic degrees and academic titles (if any), position, organization, contact numbers, valid e-mail, URL (link) ORCID digital identifier.

18. To reimburse the costs of printing services, proof, posting in the RSCI and Crossreff databases, assignment of a DOI identifier, the publication of articles is carried out on a paid basis.

The cost of article publication (A4 format, 12-point size, 1.0 spacing, Times New Roman font) is 25,000 tenge (including external blind review). Reviewers for external review are appointed by the Editorial Board.

Payment for the publication of an article is carried out only after the editorial board informs about acceptance for publication and is made according to the bank details indicated below (for citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan, you must open a current account):



Account: KZ 078560000000011507 (KZT);

                KZ 578560000004009529 (EURO);

                KZ 218560000005479598 (USD);

                KZ 5085622203309006737 (RUB)

RNN 600700016358

BIN 010840001890





1Bakhtiyarova  Sayagul,  2Andrusyshyn Iossif

1West Kazakhstan agrarian-technical university named after Zhangir khan,

Uralsk, Kazakhstan

2Kazakh Academy of Sport and Tourism, Almaty, Kazakhstan



Bakhtiyarova Sayagul Zhaksybayevna, Andrusyshyn Iossif Francevich

Olympic education: the view of specialists

Abstract. 100-200 words.

Key words: 5-7 words

Бахтиярова Саягуль Жаксыбаевна, Андрущишин Иосиф Францевич

Олимпийское образование: взгляд специалистов

Аннотация. 100-200 слов

Ключевые слова: 5-7 слов

Бахтиярова Саягүль Жақсыбаевна, Андрущишин Иосиф Францевич

Олимпиадалық білім беру: мамандар көзқарасымен

Аңдатпа. 100-200 сөз

Түйін сөздер: 5-7 сөз

Introduction…the text of an article

Materials and methods… the text of an article

Results. …the text of an article

Discussion.… the text of an article

Conclusions…the text of an article


1 Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva Respubliki Kazahstanot 23 aprelja 2020 goda № 242. Ob utverzhdenii Kompleksnogo plana po razvitiju fizicheskoj kul'tury i massovogo sportana 2020-2025 gody.

2 Andrushhishin I.F., Bahtijarova S.Zh. Olimpijskoe obrazovanie v podgotovke specialistov v oblasti fizicheskoj kul'tury  // Teorija i metodika fizicheskoj kul'tury. – 2019. - № 3 (57). – S.11-15.

3 GOSO RK 6.08.064-2010 specialistov 5V010800 – Fizicheskaja kul'tura i sport ot 03.11.2010 g. Prikaz № 514 (data vvedenija 2011.09.01)



Iosif Frantsevich Andrushchishin - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor; Kazakh Academy of Sport and Tourism, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan.

e-mail: [email protected].



In case if the paper is returned to the author for further corrections according to the reviewer's comments it should be reviewed and resubmitted within 20 working days. The articles resubmitted after the deadline are considered as newly submitted. The Editorial board keeps the right for refinements and reductions. The Editorial board can ask the authors to abbreviate their articles.